Sunday, November 13, 2011

Now I will give you all a heads up...  I am a Christian.  Not just a "I go to church" christian, but a die hard Jesus fan.  He is the way, the truth, and life...  So there will be "God-stuff" mentioned in this blog...

But don't worry, I am not going to sit here and bible thump...  My bible is across the room and the kiddos are sleeping right now.  I don't want to run the risk of waking them up!

How many times in your life have you run across a situation or become involved in something with the intent of blessing someone?  However after all is said and done you are the one that has been completely blessed?  I am involved in a MOPS group currently.  I was excited to be a part of it and to bless the other moms in the group.  But the three meetings that we have held this semester I have to say that I have walked away with more blessing being given to me then I expected.  Don't get me wrong, I still put my heart out there in the meetings and bless the moms and women around me...  But I have been given so much from the meetings that it has surprised me.  Should I be surprised that I am being blessed?  Absolutely not.  That is what God wants to do for his children.  But my goal was for me to bless, not for myself to walk away with so much more.  But again, that is God's goal for his children, to walk away with MORE blessing then you have given yourself.  So I will continue to bless others around me as much as I can knowing that God has massive blessings in store for me...

So as the holiday season starts to approach (faster then most of us want!) let us bless those around us!  Big or small, a blessing is a blessing.  Even if you do not see an immediate blessing in return, be thankful for what you have.  Let us not rely on a holiday to remind us what we are blessed with either!  We face difficulties everyday, some harder then others, but I am still thankful for what God has given to ME.  I am thankful for my husband, my awesome children, my family, my house, etc....  But I am not going to just be thankful right now because Thanksgiving is around the corner, I am going to be thankful everyday.

Did you know?  Your cells burn more fat when they are fueled with essential fatty acids rich in Omega-3s. Common sources include cold-water fish such as salmon, as well as flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds! (taken from Clean Eating Magazine Nov/Dec 2011)

Since Thanksgiving is JUST around the corner here is a classic remade!!

Everyday Paleo Pumpkin Pie 

(GF, DF, SF, CF)


1/2 cup hazelnuts

1 cup pecans

4 tablespoons melted organic grass fed butter

pinch of sea salt

Preheat oven to 350. Place the nuts in a food processor and process until the nuts are a flour like or almond meal like consistency. Pour into a small mixing bowl, add the butter and salt and mix into a thick dough. Using your hands, spread evenly into a pie pan and bake for 10 minutes.


1 – 14oz can of organic pumpkin puree (nothing added, just pumpkin)

2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon ground cloves

1/4 teaspoon fresh grated ginger

2 eggs

1/2 cup raw organic honey

1/2 cup coconut milk

While the crust is in the oven, whisk all of the pie filling ingredients together. Pour into the curst that has been baked for 10 minutes, return to the oven and bake for and additional 45 minutes.

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